Urban Needs
Urban Needs can be explored through the subcodes of City Infrastructure and City Provided Utilities, because the infrastructure that the city needs is actually not fully established, and they therefore don’t operate as an effective city because of it, which further perpetuates the disadvantages that citizens face. Many of those interviewed stated that they did not have very much in their homes and did not understand why their energy prices were so high if they only had a small fridge, a stove and a water boiler. Therefore how could this lacking infrastructure sustain healthy economic development in the city, if the utilities themselves are often economically burdensome on the population. Thus, Esmeraldas is not operating at outmost efficiency when it comes to energy generation, and the people are not reaping the benefits of living in an energy rich city, which instead brings about environmental pollution. Quotes that describe lacking infrastructure and utilities are found below.
UN City Infrastructure: “The reason for a lacking water service is that the tubes are always broken, therefore we never have permanent water, they send it every two days” [La Tolita II]
UN City Provided Utilities: “ [the consequences of having a bad garbage collection system] are that there are many flies, illnesses that arise from it, and an overall bad representation of the neighborhood” [Voluntad de Dios]